Doesnt it seem a bit unrealistic to be able to walk into a dark space, hit a switch, and instantly fill the entire space with light? 在黑暗空间里行走,碰一下开关,瞬间就会点亮整个空间是不是显得有些不现实?
The dining room a dark, boxy space facing a concrete wall seemed like a dead zone. 'It didn't make sense for us,' said Ms. Dubbs, who owns a fabric and wallpaper company. 餐厅一个四四方方、面对一堵混凝土墙的昏暗空间看起来死水一潭。杜布斯说:在我们看来,这真是糟糕透了。
Our downstairs homologue was, by contrast, a dark, heavy hybrid of Bavarian mountain Chalet and 1960s bourgeois aspirations, its layout sliced into conventional compartments that shut out light and closed in space. 相比之下,我们楼下邻居家则是巴伐利亚山区小屋和1960年代布尔乔亚渴望的黑暗、沉闷的混合,其房间被分成常规的隔间,阻挡了光线进入,封闭了空间。
Any large dark enclosed space. 巨大黑暗的封闭空间。把铅字的行间空大些。
The false gods of the dark do not like collapsing space between as they lose their dominion over the initiate as well as earth. 黑暗虚假神并不喜欢两极空间的塌缩,因为这将让其失去对提升者及地球的统治。
Dark wood furnishings are complemented with unique and tasteful art pieces, where a superior and harmonious stylish living space has been achieved. 房内放置了以深色框架勾勒出优雅形态的现代木器家具,加上品位独特的艺术品,交织出高雅和谐的时尚空间。
ASTROPHYSICISTS have unveiled the first atlas of "dark matter", the strange substance that is believed to comprise most of the cosmos and presents one of the greatest puzzles in space science today. 天体物理学家们首次绘制出了“暗物质”的三维立体图,这种神秘的物质占据了宇宙的大部分质量。一直以来,它是科学界最大的谜团之一。
The form and genesis of dark energy is almost completely unknown, but postulated as related to vacuum fluctuations similar to the Casimir Effect but generated somehow by space itself. 虽然目前对暗能量的形态和起源几乎完全未知,不过科学家认为它可能和空间本身所产生的真空起伏有关,或者说与卡西米尔效应有关联。
Rhythm and body staggered in a dark space, sounds like an elusive chant from centuries ago. 节奏和身体在黑暗的空间中交错,破空的声音恍若隔世的低吟。
Something was moving at the back wall, a dark shape, and as it slowly swayed to one side the harsh, metallic sound echoed again in the small space. 后面的墙,有什么东西在移动,一个黑色的形体,它慢慢地移向一边儿,在这小小的空间里,又响起刺耳的金属的声音。
Eddy blood the clans of blood can make use of dark sorcery to open with close space, can also move. 血之旋涡血族们可利用黑暗魔法开启和关闭空间,也可移动。
The dark blue line shows the client's path through state space, while the gray line shows the server's. 深蓝色的线表示状态空间下客户端的路径,而灰色的线显示的是服务器的。
The lyrics are all very dark moody honest. We haven't noticed anything about bumming yet, but watch this space. 歌词都是十分黑暗忧郁和真诚的。我们还没有注意到哼唱的部分,但是留意这空着的部分。
Nor can more than a small fraction of the dark matter be neutrinos, a lightweight breed of particle that zips through space and is unattached to any atom. 暗物质最多只能有一小部份是微中子,这是一种质量很轻、可穿越太空而不被任何原子捕获的粒子。
Sometimes entities can interfere with connecting to the temples, and in particular the false gods of the dark or space between. 有时候存有会透过连接圣殿而干扰,尤其是黑暗或两极空间的虚假神。
Dark energy fills space and pushes everything apart, making the universe expand at a faster and faster rate. 暗能量充满了太空并且推动物质分开,这造成宇宙以越来越快的速度扩张。
Well it appears that the dark earth or space between was inflated due to the ascension of inner earth humans. 唔,黑暗地球梦想或两极空间,似乎由于地心人类的提升而被膨胀。
She just sat stiffly on the edge of the dark blue velvet-covered sofa, staring into space, unmovable. 她只是僵硬坐在套着深蓝色罩子的沙发的边缘,凝望着天空,一动不动。
As soon as the room was dark, there was the same electric spark, the same restless craving to stretch my hand across the short space and touch his cold skin, as yesterday. 当教室暗下来的时候,和昨天一样,那种电流又开始闪动着火光,那种永不止息的渴望又在敦促着我的手伸过那段短短的距离,触碰他冰冷的肌肤。
When military experts track the use of mobile phone and Internet around the world today, they see that even in areas which look "dark" from space, there is heavy use of mobile phones and Internet. 军事专家在追踪当今世界各地手机和互联网的使用时,发现即使在从太空看起来“黑暗”的地区,手机和互联网的使用量也很大。
Sometimes the old dark brown blood collects over time from repeated hemorrhage in a cystic space in the ovary and produces a so-called "chocolate cyst". 发生在卵巢反复出血,卵巢体积增大,形成囊腔,内含粘稠的咖啡色液体,称之为巧克力囊肿。
The results show that it is feasible to implement quantum key distribution between a ground station and a satellite in a low earth orbit and that it is the detector dark noise and the space optical environment that limit the link distance for free-space quantum key distribution. 结果表明,在低轨卫星地面站间进行量子密钥分配是可行的,限制自由空间量子密钥分配链路距离的主要因素是探测器暗噪声和空间光学环境。
In this article we discuss possible candidates for the dark energy. In particular, we emphasize the cosmological constant, cosmological constant problem, de Sitter space and various related fundamental problems. 文章讨论了暗能量的可能侯选者,特别强调了宇宙常数问题、德西特时空问题以及和德西特时空相关的一些基本问题。
The main factors that cause the quantum bit error rate are the optical elements, the detector dark noise and the space optical environment and these factors were analyzed. 对于自由空间量子信道,引起量子误码率的主要因素是光学元件、探测器暗噪声和空间光学环境,并对这些因素进行了分析。
Because the heat sink not only has the functions of simulating the "cold" and "dark" conditions of space, but also is a radiation-heat exchanger and a vacuum pump, the choice of heat sink materials is important. 热沉不但具备模拟宇宙的冷黑环境功能,而且它还相当于一个辐射换热器和抽气泵,由此引出热沉材料的选择原则。
The effect of adding hydrogen to a nitrogen dc glow discharge is investigated by using Monte Carlo code to simulate the electron behavior in the cathode dark space ( CDS). 通过用MonteCarlo方法模拟N2-H2混合气体直流辉光放电等离子体快电子行为,从不同H2浓度的电子能量分布函数,电子密度以及ef-N2碰撞率等方面,研究了加H2对氮辉光放电等离子体过程的影响。
Notable is, as a result of this period of social unrest and dark, the traditional value system by the impact, economic center south, strengthen national fusion, so this period, people have more space, social activities of regional scope. 值得注意的是,由于这一时期社会动乱和黑暗,传统价值体系被冲击,经济重心的南移,民族融合加强,所以这一时期的人们有了更大的空间,交游活动区域范围扩大。
Most built in the underground subway station, closed, dark space features makes easy to get lost, have a depressing feeling, guiding subway system in a closed space is vital. 地铁车站多数建在地下,封闭、避光的空间特点使人容易迷失方向,产生压抑感,导向系统在封闭的地铁空间中就显得至关重要。